The Sena leader met Deshmukh at Mantralaya, along with a delegation comprising Dharavi residents to highlight the 'lacuane' in the State Government's redevelopment plans for the slum।
"The Chief Minister also informed Thackeray that the Government would consider the demand for alloting 400 sq feet houses to Dharavi residents instead of the 225 sq feet houses announced earlier", Sena spokesperson Neelam Gorhe said।
The delegation, comprising former Lok Sabha Speaker Manohar Joshi and Leader of Opposition in Legislative Assembly Ramdas Kadam, also apprised Deshmukh about problems faced by potters and fishermen, Gorhe said।
Kadam lodged a strong protest against the Deshmukh Government's decision to appoint Mukesh Patel as consultant for the Dharavi redevelopment project.
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