Samajwadi Party leader Amar Singh's name figures in a formal complaint filed on Friday by the three BJP MPs who had alleged on the floor of Lok Sabha that they were offered Rs three crore each for abstaining in Tuesday's trust vote।
The three MPs -- Ashok Argal, Mahavir Bhagora and Fagan Singh Kulste -- replied in the affirmative when asked whether they have named the SP leader in their complaint to the Lok Sabha Secretariat।
The complaint was filed before PDT Achary, Secretary General of Lok Sabha। The Secretariat had on Thursday asked the three MPs to give a formal complaint listing out the sequence of events.
BJP leaders VK Malhotra and Ravi Shanker Prasad accompanied the three MPs when they went to file their complaint।
However, Malhotra refused to reveal the contents of the complaint।
In a communication to the three MPs, the Secretariat had asked them to present their version officially to enable it to take the case forward।
The Lok Sabha had witnessed unprecedented drama on July 22 when the BJP members walked into the House and flashed wads of currency notes claiming that they were given by a Samajwadi Party leader as bribe for absenting themselves from the trust vote।
Speaker Somnath Chatterjee had said the House that nobody will be spared if found guilty।
Describing the incident when one of the MPs displayed bundles of currency allegedly given to him as bribe as "most unfortunate and a very sad day in the history of Parliament", the Speaker promised that all possible steps would be taken by him as custodian of the House.
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